How Nothing Boosted Sales with Nural’s Visual Merchandising App

July 25, 2024

Key Takeaways:

Increased Sales and Customer Engagement: Learn how Nothing utilized Nural’s Visual Merchandising App to create more attractive and engaging store displays, leading to a significant boost in sales and customer interaction.

Streamlined Merchandising Processes: Discover how the app simplified and automated the visual merchandising process, reducing manual efforts and saving valuable time for the store’s staff.

Enhanced Visual Consistency: Explore how the app ensured consistency across all store locations, maintaining brand identity and delivering a cohesive shopping experience for customers.


Nothing, a leading consumer electronics company, operates several retail outlets across the city, renowned for its innovative and sleek product designs. As the sales manager overseeing these outlets, my primary responsibility is to ensure our products are showcased optimally to attract and engage customers, while maintaining efficient operations across all stores.

Managing multiple retail outlets poses several challenges:

  • Inconsistent Merchandising: Difficulty in uniform product displays across stores.
    Tracking Attendance and Activities: Inefficiencies due to lack of a streamlined system.
    Store Visit Efficiency: Time-consuming and cumbersome route planning.
    Documentation and Compliance: Challenges in capturing visual evidence of merchandising changes.
    Stock Visibility and Competitor Insights: Limited real-time visibility, affecting strategic planning.

We implemented Nural VM app to address these challenges and enhance our retail operations. The app provided a comprehensive solution with features tailored to our needs, revolutionizing the way we manage our merchandising efforts.

VM App Dashboard and Ease of Accessibility:

The VM app dashboard is a game-changer. It offers:
Dashboard Insights: Centralized view of essential metrics and activities for data-driven decision-making.
Attendance & Leave Management: Easier handling of staff clocking in and out, and approval of leave requests.
Geofencing & Timestamps: Location-based verification for staff presence at designated stores.
Task Documentation: Easier capture of changes and improvements during store visits.
Store Visit Efficiency: Beat plan and route optimization feature for efficient store visit routes.
Comprehensive Tracking and Documentation: Activity tracking and checklist feature for task completion.
Real-time Stock Visibility and Competition Tracking: Real-time visibility into stock levels and competitor activities.
Campaign Management: Streamlined management of questionnaires, store inventory, orders, feedback collection, planograms, surveys, and learning resources.


Nural VM app implementation has had a profound impact on operations at Nothing. They have experienced:

  • Uniform product displays enhance customer experience and sales.
  • Streamlined attendance and leave management reduce administrative overhead.
  • Geofencing, timestamps, and task documentation increase staff accountability.
  • Real-time insights enhance strategic planning and competitiveness.
  • Streamlined marketing campaign management improves execution and customer insights.

Nural VM app has revolutionized retail operations at Nothing. It has provided them with the tools to enhance merchandizing consistency, improve operational efficiency, and make data-driven decisions.

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